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A Sparse Projection and Low-Rank Recovery Framework for Handwriting Representation and Salient Stroke Feature Extraction

Published: 11 March 2015 Publication History


In this article, we consider the problem of simultaneous low-rank recovery and sparse projection. More specifically, a new Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA)-based framework called Sparse Projection and Low-Rank Recovery (SPLRR) is proposed for handwriting representation and salient stroke feature extraction. In addition to achieving a low-rank component encoding principal features and identify errors or missing values from a given data matrix as RPCA, SPLRR also learns a similarity-preserving sparse projection for extracting salient stroke features and embedding new inputs for classification. These properties make SPLRR applicable for handwriting recognition and stroke correction and enable online computation. A cosine-similarity-style regularization term is incorporated into the SPLRR formulation for encoding the similarities of local handwriting features. The sparse projection and low-rank recovery are calculated from a convex minimization problem that can be efficiently solved in polynomial time. Besides, the supervised extension of SPLRR is also elaborated. The effectiveness of our SPLRR is examined by extensive handwritten digital repairing, stroke correction, and recognition based on benchmark problems. Compared with other related techniques, SPLRR delivers strong generalization capability and state-of-the-art performance for handwriting representation and recognition.


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  1. A Sparse Projection and Low-Rank Recovery Framework for Handwriting Representation and Salient Stroke Feature Extraction



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      cover image ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
      ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology  Volume 6, Issue 1
      April 2015
      255 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 11 March 2015
      Accepted: 01 February 2014
      Revised: 01 February 2014
      Received: 01 May 2013
      Published in TIST Volume 6, Issue 1


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      Author Tags

      1. Sparse projection
      2. handwriting representation and recognition
      3. low-rank recovery
      4. salient stroke feature extraction
      5. similarity preservation


      • Research-article
      • Research
      • Refereed

      Funding Sources

      • National Natural Science Foundation of China
      • Major Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China
      • Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China


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