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On the Sample Complexity of Random Fourier Features for Online Learning: How Many Random Fourier Features Do We Need?

Published: 01 June 2014 Publication History


We study the sample complexity of random Fourier features for online kernel learning—that is, the number of random Fourier features required to achieve good generalization performance. We show that when the loss function is strongly convex and smooth, online kernel learning with random Fourier features can achieve an O(log T /T) bound for the excess risk with only O(1/λ2) random Fourier features, where T is the number of training examples and λ is the modulus of strong convexity. This is a significant improvement compared to the existing result for batch kernel learning that requires O(T) random Fourier features to achieve a generalization bound O(1/√T). Our empirical study verifies that online kernel learning with a limited number of random Fourier features can achieve similar generalization performance as online learning using full kernel matrix. We also present an enhanced online learning algorithm with random Fourier features that improves the classification performance by multiple passes of training examples and a partial average.

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  1. On the Sample Complexity of Random Fourier Features for Online Learning: How Many Random Fourier Features Do We Need?



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      cover image ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data
      ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data  Volume 8, Issue 3
      June 2014
      160 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

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      Publication History

      Published: 01 June 2014
      Accepted: 01 June 2009
      Revised: 01 March 2009
      Received: 01 February 2007
      Published in TKDD Volume 8, Issue 3


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      1. Nyström
      2. kernel learning
      3. sampling complexity


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