Cited By
View all- Bkakria ACuppens FCuppens-Boulahia NGross-Amblard D(2016)Security Mechanisms Planning to Enforce Security PoliciesFoundations and Practice of Security10.1007/978-3-319-30303-1_6(85-101)Online publication date: 25-Feb-2016
On one hand, homomorphic encryption allows a cloud server to perform computation on outsourced encrypted data but provides no verifiability that the computation is correct. On the other hand, homomorphic authenticator, such as homomorphic ...
Wong et al. proposed a novel symmetric encryption scheme in which we can find the k-nearest neighbors from encrypted data and an encrypted query. Their scheme uses a pair of encryption functions that has an inner-product preserving property. ...
Due to increasing concerns of data privacy, databases are being encrypted before they are stored on an untrusted server. To enable search operations on the encrypted data, searchable encryption techniques have been proposed. Representative schemes use ...
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