Cited By
View all- Ferronato PSu ZRuecker SBratteteig TSandnes FBerget G(2018)Conversation modelingProceedings of the 10th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction10.1145/3240167.3240247(736-741)Online publication date: 29-Sep-2018
Spoken dialogue systems (SDSs) have been separately developed under two different categories, task-oriented and chit-chat. The former focuses on achieving functional goals and the latter aims at creating engaging social conversations without special ...
Reflecting on everyday experiences offers valuable insights and has the potential to enhance psychological well-being. Yet, only some have access to a facilitator for reflection. Conversational agents hold promise as companions for these ...
Semantic role labeling (SRL) aims to extract the arguments for each predicate in an input sentence. Traditional SRL can fail to analyze dialogues because it only works on every single sentence, while ellipsis and anaphora frequently occur in dialogues. To ...
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