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An Information-Theoretic Model and Analysis of Graphene Plasmon-Assisted FRET-Based Nanocommunication Channel

Published: 06 May 2014 Publication History


Nanoscale communication based on Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) enables single molecular nanomachines to communicate by transferring their optical excited states, i.e., excitons, between each other. Our recent studies revealed that FRET is a practical solution for short-range nanocommunications at very high rates. However, it was also proven that the reliability seriously degrades when the distance between communicating fluorophores exceeds the critical Förster radius which is around 10nm.
In this study, we propose to exploit Graphene Plasmons (GPs) incorporated with excitons as the information carriers between two distant fluorescent molecules. The interaction between the optical excitons and graphene plasmons is a newly explored phenomenon, and this is the first study that approaches this phenomenon from the communication theoretical perspective. In this paper, we derive an analytical expression for the point-to-point channel capacity, and investigate the effect of fundamental system parameters on the channel performance. We show that information can be transmitted reliably through distances over 500nm with acceptable communication rates.


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NANOCOM' 14: Proceedings of ACM The First Annual International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication
May 2014
194 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 06 May 2014


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  1. FRET
  2. Nanocommunications
  3. channel capacity
  4. graphene plasmon


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  • Research
  • Refereed limited



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