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Compilation à la Carte

Published: 28 August 2013 Publication History


In previous work, we proposed a new approach to the problem of implementing compilers in a modular manner, by combining earlier work on the development of modular interpreters using monad transformers with the à la carte approach to modular syntax. In this article, we refine and extend our existing framework in a number of directions. In particular, we show how generalised algebraic datatypes can be used to support a more modular approach to typing individual language features, we increase the expressive power of the framework by considering mutable state, variable binding, and the issue of noncommutative effects, and we show how the Zinc Abstract Machine can be adapted to provide a modular universal target machine for our modular compilers.


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IFL '13: Proceedings of the 25th symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages
August 2013
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Published: 28 August 2013


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  1. catamorphisms
  2. compilation
  3. modularity
  4. monads


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