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Using formal methods to enable more secure vehicles: DARPA's HACMS program

Published: 19 August 2014 Publication History


Networked embedded systems are ubiquitous in modern society. Examples include SCADA systems that manage physical infrastructure, medical devices such as pacemakers and insulin pumps, and vehicles such as airplanes and automobiles. Such devices are connected to networks for a variety of compelling reasons, including the ability to access diagnostic information conveniently, perform software updates, provide innovative features, and lower costs. Researchers and hackers have shown that these kinds of networked embedded systems are vulnerable to remote attacks and that such attacks can cause physical damage and can be hidden from monitors [1, 4].
DARPA launched the HACMS program to create technology to make such systems dramatically harder to attack successfully. Specifically, HACMS is pursuing a clean-slate, formal methods-based approach to the creation of high-assurance vehicles, where high assurance is defined to mean functionally correct and satisfying appropriate safety and security properties. Specific technologies include program synthesis, domain-specific languages, and theorem provers used as program development environments. Targeted software includes operating system components such as hypervisors, microkernels, file systems, and device drivers as well as control systems such as autopilots and adaptive cruise controls. Program researchers are leveraging existing high-assurance software including NICTA's seL4 microkernel and INRIA's CompCert compiler.
Although the HACMS project is less than halfway done, the program has already achieved some remarkable success. At program kick-off, a Red Team easily hijacked the baseline open-source quadcopter that HACMS researchers are using as a research platform. At the end of eighteen months, the Red Team was not able to hijack the newly-minted "SMACCMCopter" running high-assurance HACMS code, despite being given six weeks and full access to the source code of the copter. An expert in penetration testing called the SMACCMCopter "the most secure UAV on the planet."
In this talk, I will describe the HACMS program: its motivation, the underlying technologies, current results, and future directions.


W. Burleson, S. S. Clark, B. Ransford, and K. Fu. Design challenges for secure implantable medical devices. In Proceedings of the 49th Annual Design Automation Conference, DAC '12, pages 12--17, New York, NY, USA, 2012. ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-1199-1 URL
S. Checkoway, D. McCoy, B. Kantor, D. Anderson, H. Shacham, S. Savage, K. Koscher, A. Czeskis, F. Roesner, and T. Kohno. Comprehensive experimental analyses of automotive attack surfaces. In Proceedings of the 20th USENIX Conference on Security, SEC'11, Berkeley, CA, USA, 2011. USENIX Association. URL
K. Munro. SCADA - A critical situation. Network Security, 2008 (1): 4--6, 2008. ISSN 1353-4858. URL
Teso, Hugo. Aircraft hacking: Practical aero series., 2013.

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cover image ACM Conferences
ICFP '14: Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming
August 2014
390 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 19 August 2014

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Author Tags

  1. cyber-physical systems
  2. formal methods
  3. hacms
  4. high assurance software


  • Keynote



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Overall Acceptance Rate 333 of 1,064 submissions, 31%

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  • (2017)Architectural refinements for enhancing trust and securing cyber-physical systems2017 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced & Trusted Computed, Scalable Computing & Communications, Cloud & Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation (SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI)10.1109/UIC-ATC.2017.8397621(1-8)Online publication date: Aug-2017
  • (2017)Secure Automotive SoftwareIEEE Software10.1109/MS.2017.7834:3(49-55)Online publication date: 1-May-2017
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