Cited By
View all- Chua SSingh A(2019)Search-Based Reversible Logic Synthesis Using Mixed-Polarity GatesDesign and Testing of Reversible Logic10.1007/978-981-13-8821-7_6(93-113)Online publication date: 28-Jul-2019
Conventional circuit dissipates energy to reload missing information because of overlapped mapping between input and output vectors. Reversibility recovers energy loss and prevents bit error by including Fault Tolerant mechanism. Reversible Computing is ...
Multiple-valued quantum logic allows the designers to reduce the number of cells while obtaining more functionality in the quantum circuits. Large r-valued reversible or quantum gates (r stands for radix and is more than 2) cannot be directly realized ...
Reversible logic has become one of the most promising research areas in the past few decades and has found its applications in several technologies; such as low-power CMOS, nanocomputing and optical computing. This paper presents improved and efficient ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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