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Urban Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, and Applications

Published: 18 September 2014 Publication History


Urbanization's rapid progress has modernized many people's lives but also engendered big issues, such as traffic congestion, energy consumption, and pollution. Urban computing aims to tackle these issues by using the data that has been generated in cities (e.g., traffic flow, human mobility, and geographical data). Urban computing connects urban sensing, data management, data analytics, and service providing into a recurrent process for an unobtrusive and continuous improvement of people's lives, city operation systems, and the environment. Urban computing is an interdisciplinary field where computer sciences meet conventional city-related fields, like transportation, civil engineering, environment, economy, ecology, and sociology in the context of urban spaces. This article first introduces the concept of urban computing, discussing its general framework and key challenges from the perspective of computer sciences. Second, we classify the applications of urban computing into seven categories, consisting of urban planning, transportation, the environment, energy, social, economy, and public safety and security, presenting representative scenarios in each category. Third, we summarize the typical technologies that are needed in urban computing into four folds, which are about urban sensing, urban data management, knowledge fusion across heterogeneous data, and urban data visualization. Finally, we give an outlook on the future of urban computing, suggesting a few research topics that are somehow missing in the community.


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  1. Urban Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, and Applications



                                  Information & Contributors


                                  Published In

                                  cover image ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
                                  ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology  Volume 5, Issue 3
                                  Special Section on Urban Computing
                                  September 2014
                                  361 pages
                                  • Editor:
                                  • Qiang Yang
                                  Issue’s Table of Contents
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                                  Association for Computing Machinery

                                  New York, NY, United States

                                  Publication History

                                  Published: 18 September 2014
                                  Revised: 01 April 2014
                                  Accepted: 01 March 2014
                                  Received: 01 January 2014
                                  Published in TIST Volume 5, Issue 3


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                                  Author Tags

                                  1. Urban computing
                                  2. big data
                                  3. city dynamics
                                  4. computing with heterogeneous data
                                  5. human mobility
                                  6. knowledge fusion
                                  7. trajectories
                                  8. urban informatics
                                  9. urban sensing


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                                  • (2025)Decoding urban policies: NLP-driven concise explanationsEnvironment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science10.1177/23998083251321981Online publication date: 17-Feb-2025
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