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View all- de Rooij Avan den Broek SBouw Mde Wit J(2023)Co-Designing with a Social Robot Facilitator: Effects of Robot Mood Expression on Human Group DynamicsProceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction10.1145/3623809.3623820(22-29)Online publication date: 4-Dec-2023
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- Bossema MAllouch SPlaat ASaunders R(2023)Human-Robot Co-creativity: A Scoping Review : Informing a Research Agenda for Human-Robot Co-Creativity with Older Adults2023 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)10.1109/RO-MAN57019.2023.10309458(988-995)Online publication date: 28-Aug-2023
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