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Automatic identification of arabic dialects in social media

Published: 11 July 2014 Publication History


Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is the formal language in most Arabic countries. Arabic Dialects (AD) or daily language differs from MSA especially in social media communication. However, most Arabic social media texts have mixed forms and many variations especially between MSA and AD. This paper aims to bridge the gap between MSA and AD by providing a framework for AD classification using probabilistic models across social media datasets. We present a set of experiments using the character n-gram Markov language model and Naive Bayes classifiers with detailed examination of what models perform best under different conditions in social media context. Experimental results show that Naive Bayes classifier based on character bi-gram model can identify the 18 different Arabic dialects with a considerable overall accuracy of 98%. This work is a first-step towards an ultimate goal of a translation system from Arabic to English and French, within the ASMAT project


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  1. Automatic identification of arabic dialects in social media



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    SoMeRA '14: Proceedings of the first international workshop on Social media retrieval and analysis
    July 2014
    72 pages
    • Program Chairs:
    • Markus Schedl,
    • Peter Knees,
    • Jialie Shen
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 11 July 2014


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    Author Tags

    1. arabic morphology
    2. dialect
    3. language variant identification
    4. markov model
    5. naive bayes


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    SIGIR '14

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    SoMeRA '14 Paper Acceptance Rate 13 of 19 submissions, 68%;
    Overall Acceptance Rate 13 of 19 submissions, 68%


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