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10.1145/2637166.2637226acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesapsysConference Proceedingsconference-collections

D2P: a distributed deadline propagation approach to tolerate long-tail latency in datacenters

Published: 25 June 2014 Publication History


We propose a Distributed Deadline Propagation (D2P) approach for datacenter applications to tolerate latency variability. The key idea of D2P is to allow local nodes to perceive global deadline information and to propagate the information among distributed nodes. Local nodes can leverage the information to do scheduling and adjust processing speed to reduce latency variability. Preliminary experimental results show that D2P has the potential of reducing the long-tail latency in datacenters by lever-aging propagated deadline information on the local nodes.


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Published: 25 June 2014


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