Cited By
View all- Goldberg IJenkinson GStajano F(2016)Low-Cost Mitigation Against Cold Boot Attacks for an Authentication TokenApplied Cryptography and Network Security10.1007/978-3-319-39555-5_3(36-57)Online publication date: 9-Jun-2016
In Shamir's ( k, n )-threshold secret sharing scheme (threshold scheme) [1], a heavy computational cost is required to make n shares and recover the secret from k shares. As a solution to this problem, several fast threshold schemes have been proposed. ...
A (t,n) secret sharing divides a secret into n shares in such a way that any t or more than t shares can reconstruct the secret; but fewer than t shares cannot reconstruct the secret. In this paper, we extend the idea of a (t,n) secret sharing scheme ...
Many threshold proxy signature schemes are proposed in which the t out of n threshold schemes are deployed; but they still lack the property of security. In this research paper, secret sharing proxy signature could permit the shares of designated ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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