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Aesthetics of interaction: a literature synthesis

Published: 26 October 2014 Publication History


New technologies provide expanded opportunities for interaction design. The growing number of possible ways to interact, in turn, creates a new responsibility for designers: Besides the product's visual aesthetics, one has to make choices about the aesthetics of interaction. This issue recently gained interest in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research. Based on a review of 19 approaches, we provide an overview of today's state of the art. We focused on approaches that feature "qualities", "dimensions" or "parameters" to describe interaction. Those fell into two broad categories. One group of approaches dealt with detailed spatio-temporal attributes of interaction sequences (i.e., action-reaction) on a sensomotoric level (i.e., form). The other group addressed the feelings and meanings an interaction is enveloped in rather than the interaction itself (i.e., experience). Surprisingly, only two approaches addressed both levels simultaneously, making the explicit link between form and experience. We discuss these findings and its implications for future theory building.


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    cover image ACM Other conferences
    NordiCHI '14: Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Fun, Fast, Foundational
    October 2014
    361 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 26 October 2014


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    1. aesthetics of interaction
    2. experience design
    3. interaction attributes
    4. interaction design
    5. review


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