Cited By
View all- Gaddam VLangseth RStensland HGriwodz CRiegler MKupka TEspeland HJohansen DJohansen HHalvorsen P(2018)Camera Synchronization for Panoramic VideosMediaSync10.1007/978-3-319-65840-7_20(565-592)Online publication date: 27-Mar-2018
The proposed demo shows how our system automatically zooms and pans into tracked objects in panorama videos. At the conference site, we will set up a two-camera version of the system, generating live panorama videos, where the system zooms and pans ...
High-resolution panoramic video with a wide field-of-view is popular in many contexts. However, in many examples, like surveillance and sports, it is often desirable to zoom and pan into the generated video. A challenge in this respect is real-time ...
Panorama video is becoming increasingly popular, and we present an end-to-end real-time system to interactively zoom and pan into high-resolution panoramic videos. Compared to existing systems using perspective panoramas with cropping, our approach ...
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