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Tracing back the history of commits in low-tech reviewing environments: a case study of the Linux kernel

Published: 18 September 2014 Publication History


<u>Context</u>: During software maintenance, people typically go back to the original reviews of a patch to understand the actual design rationale and potential risks of the code. Whereas modern web-based reviewing environments like gerrit make this process relatively easy, the low-tech, mailing-list based reviewing environments of many open source systems make linking a commit back to its reviews and earlier versions far from trivial, since (1) a commit has no physical link with any reviewing email, (2) the discussed patches are not always fully identical to the accepted commits and (3) some discussions last across multiple email threads, each of which containing potentially multiple versions of the same patch.
<u>Goal</u>: To support maintainers in reconstructing the reviewing history of kernel patches, and studying (for the first time) the characteristics of the recovered reviewing histories.
<u>Method</u>: This paper performs a comparative empirical study on the Linux kernel mailing lists of 3 email-to-email and email-to-commit linking techniques based on checksums, common patch lines and clone detection.
<u>Results</u>: Around 25% of the patches had an (until now) hidden reviewing history of more than four weeks, and patches with multiple versions typically are larger and have a higher acceptance rate than patches with just one version.
<u>Conclusion</u>: The plus-minus-line-based technique is the best approach for linking patch emails to commits, while it needs to be combined with the checksum-based technique for linking different patch versions.


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ESEM '14: Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement
September 2014
461 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 18 September 2014


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  1. clone detection
  2. linux kernel
  3. low-tech reviewing environment
  4. mailing list
  5. open source
  6. review
  7. software engineering
  8. traceability


  • Research-article


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