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It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the 15th Annual Conference on Information Technology Education (SIGITE 2014) and the 3rd Annual Conference on Research in Information Technology (RIIT 2014). The theme this year is "Riding the Wave of Change in Information Technology" and the many quality submissions we received allowed us to assemble one of the strongest programs in the history of the conferences. As in past years, the synergies between research and education in information technology are prevalent, and several themes emerged from the accepted submissions. Networking, security, and development remain popular with researchers, and interest in mobile computing, resource measurement and management, capstone courses, and personalization has grown.
The call for participation attracted 111 submissions, 72 of which were submitted to SIGITE and 39 to RIIT. Both numbers represent a larger pool than in recent years, demonstrating that the conferences are of great interest in the community. Ninety-five of the submissions were papers, with 59 papers submitted to SIGITE and 36 papers submitted to RIIT. SIGITE has 27 papers in its program for an acceptance rate of 46% and RIIT has 14 papers for an acceptance rate of 39%. All of the authors presenting should be congratulated on their excellent work.
A conference cannot happen without the help of its reviewers, and this year was no exception. Fiftyfive reviewers worked diligently to ensure that every paper had at least three independent reviews. It was a significant effort to produce the 317 reviews that ended up in the system, and we thank the reviewers from the bottom of our heart. New to the conferences this year was a meta review process, in which 13 diligent meta reviewers together examined all reviews for each submission and reconciled those reviews into a coherent message for each author. We hope the meta review process enabled authors to have more substantive feedback on their work, whether it appears in the final program or not.
The conference runs from Thursday to Saturday and each day offers something of interest to attendees. On Thursday our keynote speaker is Dr. Flavio Villanustre, Vice-President of Technology Architecture & Product for LexisNexis and HPCC Systems. The day continues with a workshop on end-user development activities and paper sessions for both SIGITE and RIIT. Thursday concludes with a reception, which we know will be useful for networking with colleagues old and new. Friday introduces a new presentation format, lightning talks on research in progress, at the conferences. There are also paper sessions for SIGITE and RIIT, a poster session in the afternoon and, of course, more opportunities for networking during lunch and the breaks. Saturday offers a three-hour workshop on process-oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL) as well as a panel on mobile computing courses and some excellent SIGITE papers. We also hope that you stay for the closing session where we will share our plans for SIGITE/RIIT 2015 in Chicago.
We hope you find the conference presentations interesting and thought-provoking, you reconnect with colleagues you know, you find new collaborators, and you submit the work that results to SIGITE or RIIT next year. The excellence you see at SIGITE/RIIT 2014 depends on your energy and effort, and we thank you for letting us be a part of it.
Proceeding Downloads
Big data trends and evolution: a human perspective
The Big Data revolution has already happened and, through it, organizations started realizing the potential of using data to take better informed decisions, mitigate risks and overall better control their destiny. With all the benefits that Big Data ...
Eye tracking data understanding for product representation studies
Within the mechanical engineering discipline, product representation studies have been used to inform engineers on the suitability of their product designs for prospective customers. However, these studies are mainly based in customers' oral responses ...
Software architecture model driven reverse engineering approach to open source software development
Popular Open Source Software (OSS) development platforms like GitHub, Google Code, and Bitbucket take advantage of some best practices of traditional software development like version control and issue tracking. Current major open source software ...
Printer watermark obfuscation
Most color laser printers manufactured and sold today add "invisible" information to make it easier to determine when a particular document was printed and exactly which printer was used. Some manufacturers have acknowledged the existence of the ...
Probabilistically detecting steganography within MP3 files
A powerful application named MP3Stegazaurus was recently created by Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) student Mikhail Zaturenskiy which exploits a not-so-well-known feature present in MP3 files. [8] By overwriting areas that are either skipped or ...
Passive warden using statistical steganalysis
This paper examines the statistical techniques used in blind steganalysis of JPEG images. Blind steganalysis attempts to detect the presence of covert data without knowing the particular steganographic algorithm used. This paper begins by discussing ...
Detecting subtle port scans through characteristics based on interactive visualization
Port-scan detection is essentially vital to enterprise networks, since many intrusions start with scanning. A port scan can be obvious or subtle in terms of the volume of network traffic. In this paper, we propose a creative approach by combining the ...
Using time-series analysis to provide long-term CPU utilization prediction
Time-series analysis has been a recognized method of prediction for years. In computing, prediction has revolved around scheduling problems and is used in computing time to manage resources in the short-term. Long-term prediction using these methods has ...
Three-dimensional wireless heat mapping and security assessment using multi-rotor aerial drones
Wireless networks are well known to be at risk a variety of attacks and/or monitoring by malicious users. Much effort has been put into developing encryption and authentication protocols for these networks, yet time has shown that weaknesses are ...
Analysis of mobile malware based on user awareness
The number of mobile device malware has been increasing drastically last several years. When attempting to detect malware within a device, it is difficult to draw a clear line between malicious and normal activities. Even useful applications naturally ...
Insider hacking: applying situational crime prevention to a new white-collar crime
Insider hacking consists of cybercrimes against entities initiated by individuals who hold a legitimate trust relationship with that entity. The responsibility of preventing insider hacking falls to information technology (IT) or information security ...
A survey of security vulnerabilities in social networking media: the case of facebook
This paper conducted a survey study on the security vulnerabilities in one of most popular social networking site, Facebook. We divide the vulnerabilities into two main categories: platform-related and user-related. For each vulnerability, we present ...
A taxonomy of privacy-protecting tools to browse the world wide web
There is a growing public concern regarding big data and intelligence surveillance on unsuspecting Internet users, and an increase in public conversation around what does privacy really mean in the digital realm. Although technologies have been ...
Comparing public and private iaas cloud models
To better understand the advantages and disadvantages of deploying a private cloud or employing a public cloud for computing resources, a fully featured private cloud of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) was built from bare metal servers using Xen ...
SMS notifications for missed calls expanding mobility for TDM environments
Users expect more mobility options for the services they use, including their corporate extension. For organizations who own PBXs, there can be financial barriers to adoption of services to support extension mobility. There are solutions to provide ...
Modeling of class imbalance using an empirical approach with spambase dataset and random forest classification
Classification of imbalanced data is an important research problem as most of the data encountered in real world systems is imbalanced. Recently a representation learning technique called Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) has been ...
Termediator II: measuring term polysemy using semantic clustering
We report on Termediator II, an application designed to identify potentially confusing terms. Termediator I focused on identifying synonymous terms whereas this work, Termediator II, focuses on identifying polysemous terms. Using an expanded collection ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 3rd annual conference on Research in information technology