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View all- Castelan YKhodja BSettle ASteinbach TBoisvert D(2015)MP3 Steganography TechniquesProceedings of the 4th Annual ACM Conference on Research in Information Technology10.1145/2808062.2808074(51-54)Online publication date: 29-Sep-2015
The MP3 audio encoding format is currently one of the most popular encoding formats in use. On average, it takes significantly less space to store than, for example, a PCM-encoded WAV file, even though it retains most of the original, uncompressed audio ...
There is a lot of work done on hiding information inside picture files in formats such as JPEG, however not much has been done to date on hiding information inside MP3 audio files. This paper looks at ways to hide information inside MP3 files and ...
Petitcolas has proposed a steganographic technique called MP3Stego which can hide secret messages in a MP3 audio. This technique is well-known because of its high capacity. However, in rare cases, the normal audio encoding process will be terminated due ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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