Cited By
View all- Ndulue COrji R(2023)Games for Change—A Comparative Systematic Review of Persuasive Strategies in Games for Behavior ChangeIEEE Transactions on Games10.1109/TG.2022.315909015:2(121-133)Online publication date: Jun-2023
Persuasive games and gamified systems are effective tools for motivating behavior change using various persuasive strategies. Research has shown that tailoring these systems can increase their efficacy. However, there is little knowledge on how game-...
Persuasive games are an effective approach for motivating health behavior, and recent years have seen an increase in games designed for changing human behaviors or attitudes. However, these games are limited in two major ways: first, they are not based ...
The increasing consumption of unhealthy beverages is a significant public health concern, contributing to a range of health issues. Recognized as effective tools for behavior change in various domains, persuasive games offer a promising ...
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