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An introduction to Ricci flow and volumetric approximation with applications to shape modeling

Published: 24 November 2014 Publication History


Extending a shape-driven map to the interior of the input shape and to the surrounding volume is a difficult problem since it typically relies on the integration of shape-based and volumetric information, together with smoothness conditions, interpolating constraints, preservation of feature values at both a local and global level. This survey discusses the main volumetric approximation schemes for both 3D shapes and d-dimensional data, and provides a unified discussion on the integration of surface-based and volume-based shape information. Then, it describes the application of shape-based and volumetric techniques to shape modeling through volumetric parameterization and polycube splines; feature-driven approximation through kernels and radial basis functions. We also discuss the Hamilton's Ricci flow, which is a powerful tool to compute the conformal shape structure and to design Riemannian metrics of manifolds by prescribed curvatures. We conclude the presentation by discussing applications to shape analysis and medicine.


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Cited By

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  • (2022)Heterogeneous Spatial DataundefinedOnline publication date: 9-Apr-2022
  • (2016)STARProceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics: State of the Art Reports10.5555/3059330.3059334(599-624)Online publication date: 9-May-2016
  • (2016)STAR - Laplacian Spectral Kernels and Distances for Geometry Processing and Shape AnalysisComputer Graphics Forum10.5555/3028584.302863735:2(599-624)Online publication date: 1-May-2016

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  1. An introduction to Ricci flow and volumetric approximation with applications to shape modeling
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        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image ACM Other conferences
        SA '14: SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 Courses
        November 2014
        1237 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

        Publication History

        Published: 24 November 2014

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        Author Tags

        1. Ricci flow
        2. conformal structure
        3. heat diffusion equation
        4. implicit approximation
        5. laplace-beltrami operator
        6. medicine
        7. riemannian surface and metric
        8. shape modeling
        9. volume parameterization


        • Research-article

        Funding Sources


        SA'14: SIGGRAPH Asia 2014
        December 3 - 6, 2014
        Shenzhen, China

        Acceptance Rates

        Overall Acceptance Rate 178 of 869 submissions, 20%


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        Cited By

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        • (2022)Heterogeneous Spatial DataundefinedOnline publication date: 9-Apr-2022
        • (2016)STARProceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics: State of the Art Reports10.5555/3059330.3059334(599-624)Online publication date: 9-May-2016
        • (2016)STAR - Laplacian Spectral Kernels and Distances for Geometry Processing and Shape AnalysisComputer Graphics Forum10.5555/3028584.302863735:2(599-624)Online publication date: 1-May-2016

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