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View all- Pournaras E(2020)Proof of witness presence: Blockchain consensus for augmented democracy in smart citiesJournal of Parallel and Distributed Computing10.1016/j.jpdc.2020.06.015145(160-175)Online publication date: Nov-2020
Social media technologies are increasingly used within organizational settings. Particularly, organizations continue to adopt and use wikis for enabling collaboration among their professional communities of practice. At this respect, the current paper ...
A wide range of Web-based tools and socially-enhanced collaboration services have changed models of work. In today's collaboration systems, interactions typically span a number of people and services to work on joint tasks or to solve emerging problems. ...
Awareness has, for decades, been a topic of interest in CSCW research, as it is a critical condition for effective coordination of collaborative work. In this special issue we present papers that discuss overviews of awareness aspects as well as ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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