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10.1145/2661088.2661100acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessplashConference Proceedingsconference-collections

SqueakJS: a modern and practical smalltalk that runs in any browser

Published: 14 October 2014 Publication History


We report our experience in implementing SqueakJS, a bit-compatible implementation of Squeak/Smalltalk written in pure JavaScript. SqueakJS runs entirely in the Web browser with a virtual filesystem that can be directed to a server or client-side storage. Our implementation is notable for simplicity and performance gained through adaptation to the host object memory and deployment leverage gained through the Lively Web development environment. We present several novel techniques as well as performance measurements for the resulting virtual machine. Much of this experience is potentially relevant to preserving other dynamic language systems and making them available in a browser-based environment.


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  • (2020)The evolution of Smalltalk: from Smalltalk-72 through SqueakProceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages10.1145/33863354:HOPL(1-101)Online publication date: 12-Jun-2020
  • (2019)GraalSqueak: toward a smalltalk-based tooling platform for polyglot programmingProceedings of the 16th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes10.1145/3357390.3361024(14-26)Online publication date: 21-Oct-2019
  • (2019)Efficient implementation of Smalltalk activation records in language implementation frameworksCompanion Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming10.1145/3328433.3328440(1-3)Online publication date: 1-Apr-2019
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  1. SqueakJS: a modern and practical smalltalk that runs in any browser



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    DLS '14: Proceedings of the 10th ACM Symposium on Dynamic languages
    October 2014
    160 pages
    • cover image ACM SIGPLAN Notices
      ACM SIGPLAN Notices  Volume 50, Issue 2
      DLS '14
      February 2015
      146 pages
      • Editor:
      • Andy Gill
      Issue’s Table of Contents
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 14 October 2014


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    1. javascript
    2. languages
    3. performance
    4. smalltalk
    5. squeak
    6. virtual machines
    7. web browsers


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    • (2019)GraalSqueak: toward a smalltalk-based tooling platform for polyglot programmingProceedings of the 16th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes10.1145/3357390.3361024(14-26)Online publication date: 21-Oct-2019
    • (2019)Efficient implementation of Smalltalk activation records in language implementation frameworksCompanion Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming10.1145/3328433.3328440(1-3)Online publication date: 1-Apr-2019
    • (2016)How to Build a High-Performance VM for Squeak/Smalltalk in Your Spare TimeProceedings of the 11th edition of the International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies10.1145/2991041.2991062(1-10)Online publication date: 23-Aug-2016
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