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View all- Tannier E(2022)A hapless mathematical contribution to biologyHistory and Philosophy of the Life Sciences10.1007/s40656-022-00514-x44:3Online publication date: 2-Aug-2022
Reversal, transposition and transreversal are common events in genome rearrangement. The genome rearrangement sorting problem is to transform one genome into another using the minimum number of rearrangement operations. Hannenhalli and Pevzner ...
We addressed sorting permutations by prefix and suffix reversals and transpositions.We initiated the study of these rearrangements in a length-weighted context.We presented approximation algorithms for 10 such problems. The traditional approach for the ...
Comparative genomics is a field of biology that aims at comparing genomes of different species. One major question of this field is to find the evolutionary distance between two given genomes. One way to estimate such distance is to use the ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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