It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 2014 ACM Multimedia Workshop on Perception Inspired Video Processing -- PIVP'14. The goal of this workshop is to bring together experts working on applying models, principles, and knowledge of human audio-visual perception and ncognition to optimize video processing algorithms and applications. Perceptual and cognitive factors affect how users acquire and process visual information, and an understanding of these factors and experiences offers opportunities to achieve the next big leap in video processing. In particular, many findings from areas such as Vision Science, Behavioral Sciences, and Neuroscience have strong implications for developing efficient, perceptually optimized video processing frameworks, algorithms, and applications.
This is the first year of the workshop and we are thrilled with the response and the diversity of topics in the final program. The program includes contributions that employ human visual perception to optimize video analysis, quality evaluation, attention modulation, and video search. The Workshop includes a keynote talk, oral presentation, interactive presentations/demos, a mini tutorial, and discussion.
We encourage all workshop participants to attend the keynote and discussion sessions. This talk presents a glimpse of the future of video processing:
Neural Correlates of Spatiotemporal Event Recognition: Application to Brain-Computer Interfaces for Video Exploitation, Paul Sajda (currently at Columbia University, New York, USA)
Proceeding Downloads
Neural Correlates of Spatiotemporal Event Recognition: Application to Brain-Computer Interfaces for Video Exploitation
Detection of events of interest in video involves evidence accumulation across space and time; the observer is required to integrate features from both motion and form to decide whether a behavior constituents a target event. Do such events that extend ...
Compressed-Domain Correlates of Fixations in Video
In this paper we present two compressed-domain features that are highly indicative of saliency in natural video. Their potential to predict saliency is demonstrated by comparing their statistics around human fixation points in a number of videos against ...
Geometrical Cues in Visual Saliency Models for Active Object Recognition in Egocentric Videos
In the problem of "human sensing", videos recorded with wearable cameras give an "egocentric" view of the world, capturing details of human activities. In this paper we continue research on visual saliency for such kind of content with the goal of "...
Attention Retargeting by Color Manipulation in Images
Attention retargeting in images is a concept in which the content or composition of the image is altered in an effort to guide the viewer's attention to a specific location. In this paper, we propose a method that modifies the color of a selected region ...
A Perceptually-Inspired Stochastic Framework for Video Search and Analysis
The neurobiological model for motion recognition and visual processing posits that visual stimuli in the brain bifurcate into a Motion Energy Pathway and a Form Pathway, both of which are finally Integrated in the resulting motion recognition. In this ...
Classifying Perceptual Experience of Tone-mapped High Dynamic Range Videos through EEG
High dynamic range (HDR) imaging has potential for providing immersive experience of multimedia contents. HDR contents are expected to have better perceptual quality than conventional low dynamic range (LDR) contents, but the perceptual difference in ...
Can Subliminal Flicker Guide Attention in Natural Images?
Subliminal flicker has been shown to draw attention in reaction time tasks with simple synthetic stimuli. The applicability of these findings to attention retargeting in multimedia remains in question because it is uncertain whether the same effects ...
Studying the Perceived Quality Variation over Time for Video Quality Assessment
Reliably predicting how humans assess video quality aspects remains an academic challenge, partly due to our limited understanding of human visual system and of how it affects the perception of spatial and temporal distortions. In current video chains, ...
Automatic Pronunciation Assistance on Video
In this article we present a novel method that uses image and speech processing techniques to analyze video from a second language learner and provides speaker's pronunciation training. The pronunciation recommendation provided for the speaker will be ...
Effect of Subliminal Cueing on In-attentional Blindness
We are surrounded by a very dense and detailed environment. However, when we perceive, we are unable to attend to all the details at once. Certain fully visible but unexpected objects get overlooked when we become involved in other tasks. Change ...
Object vs. Objectless Motion
Previous research has provided evidence for the existence of two processing pathways, one for the perception of object motion (based on the detection of counterchange) and the other for the perception of objectless motion (based on the detection of ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Perception Inspired Video Processing
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
PIVP '14 | 9 | 6 | 67% |
Overall | 9 | 6 | 67% |