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Distributed Key Generation for Encrypted Deduplication: Achieving the Strongest Privacy

Published: 07 November 2014 Publication History


Large-scale cloud storage systems often attempt to achieve two seemingly conflicting goals: (1) the systems need to reduce the copies of redundant data to save space, a process called deduplication; and (2) users demand encryption of their data to ensure privacy. Conventional encryption makes deduplication on ciphertexts ineffective, as it destroys data redundancy. A line of work, originated from Convergent Encryption [27], and evolved into Message Locked Encryption [13] and the latest DupLESS architecture [12], strives to solve this problem. DupLESS relies on a key server to help the clients generate encryption keys that result in convergent ciphertexts. In this paper, we first introduce a new security notion appropriate for the setting of deduplication and show that it is strictly stronger than all relevant notions. We then provide a rigorous proof of security against this notion, in the random oracle model, for the DupLESS architecture which is lacking in the original paper. Our proof shows that using additional secret, other than the data itself, for generating encryption keys achieves the best possible security under current deduplication paradigm. We also introduce a distributed protocol that eliminates the need for the key server. This not only provides better protection but also allows less managed systems such as P2P systems to enjoy the high security level. Implementation and evaluation show that the scheme is both robust and practical.


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CCSW '14: Proceedings of the 6th edition of the ACM Workshop on Cloud Computing Security
November 2014
160 pages
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Published: 07 November 2014


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  3. deterministic encryption


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