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Inevitable Failure: The Flawed Trust Assumption in the Cloud

Published: 07 November 2014 Publication History


IaaS clouds offer customers on-demand computing resources such as virtual machine, network and storage. To provision and manage these resources, cloud users must rely on a variety of cloud services. However, a wide range of vulnerabilities have been identified in these cloud services that may enable an adversary to compromise customers' computations or even the cloud platform itself. Using the motivation for adding mandatory access to commercial operating systems, we argue for the development of a secure cloud operating system (SCOS) to enforce mandatory access control (MAC) over cloud services and customer instances. To better understand the concrete challenges of building a SCOS, we examine the OpenStack cloud platform from two perspectives: (1) how attacks propagate across cloud services and (2) how adversaries leverage vulnerabilities in cloud services to attack hosts. Using this information, we review the application of three MAC approaches employed by "secure" commercial systems to evaluate their practical effectiveness for controlling cloud services. While MAC enforcement can improve security for cloud services, several threats remain unchecked. We outline a set of additional security policy goals that a SCOS must enforce to control threats from potentially compromised cloud services comprehensively. While we do not actually construct a SCOS in this paper, we hope that this study will initiate discussions that may lead to practical designs.


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      cover image ACM Conferences
      CCSW '14: Proceedings of the 6th edition of the ACM Workshop on Cloud Computing Security
      November 2014
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      Published: 07 November 2014


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