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Identity development in computing education: theoretical perspectives and an implementation in the classroom

Published: 05 November 2014 Publication History


Identity development and personal experience have been drawn attention to in recent Computing education research addressing low engagement and retention or stereotypes and the gender gap in Computing. However, these findings have rarely been discussed in respect to how identity development could be implemented in the Computer Science classroom at primary and secondary schools. This paper integrates two theoretical perspectives on identity development -- a psychosocial and a sociocultural perspective. We then provide an example of how this theoretical framework can help to understand aspects of learning beyond knowledge acquisition and to design situated learning environments and experiences that foster identification processes and participation in group activities. The example is based on project work that aims to resemble a professional software development project, including a real client (the school) and professional roles taken by both the teacher and the students.


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  1. Identity development in computing education: theoretical perspectives and an implementation in the classroom



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    WiPSCE '14: Proceedings of the 9th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education
    November 2014
    150 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 05 November 2014


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    1. identification
    2. identity development
    3. psychosocial and sociocultural aspects
    4. real-world context


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