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Twitter analytics: a big data management perspective

Published: 25 September 2014 Publication History


With the inception of the Twitter microblogging platform in 2006, a myriad of research efforts have emerged studying different aspects of the Twittersphere. Each study exploits its own tools and mechanisms to capture, store, query and analyze Twitter data. Inevitably, platforms have been developed to replace this ad-hoc exploration with a more structured and methodological form of analysis. Another body of literature focuses on developing languages for querying Tweets. This paper addresses issues around the big data nature of Twitter and emphasizes the need for new data management and query language frameworks that address limitations of existing systems. We review existing approaches that were developed to facilitate twitter analytics followed by a discussion on research issues and technical challenges in developing integrated solutions.


FaceBook Query Language(FQL) overview.
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Sparksee: Scalable high-performance graph database.
Titan: distributed graph database.
TrendsMap, Realtime local twitter trends.
Twitalyzer: Serious analytics for social business.
Yahoo! Query Language guide on YDN. https://
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cover image ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter
ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter  Volume 16, Issue 1
Special issue on big data
June 2014
63 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 25 September 2014
Published in SIGKDD Volume 16, Issue 1

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