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Change detection in streaming data in the era of big data: models and issues

Published: 25 September 2014 Publication History


Big Data is identified by its three Vs, namely velocity, volume, and variety. The area of data stream processing has long dealt with the former two Vs velocity and volume. Over a decade of intensive research, the community has provided many important research discoveries in the area. The third V of Big Data has been the result of social media and the large unstructured data it generates. Streaming techniques have also been proposed recently addressing this emerging need. However, a hidden factor can represent an important fourth V, that is variability or change. Our world is changing rapidly, and accounting to variability is a crucial success factor. This paper provides a survey of change detection techniques as applied to streaming data. The review is timely with the rise of Big Data technologies, and the need to have this important aspect highlighted and its techniques categorized and detailed.


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  1. Change detection in streaming data in the era of big data: models and issues


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        cover image ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter
        ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter  Volume 16, Issue 1
        Special issue on big data
        June 2014
        63 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

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        Published: 25 September 2014
        Published in SIGKDD Volume 16, Issue 1

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