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Proceeding Downloads
Bug localization via searching crowd-contributed code
Bug localization, i.e., locating bugs in code snippets, is a frequent task in software development. Although static bug-finding tools are available to reduce manual effort in bug localization, these tools typically detect bugs with known project-...
Linking stack overflow to issue tracker for issue resolution
Issue resolution is a central task for software development. The efficiency of issue fixing largely relies on the issue report quality. Stack Overflow, which hosts rich and real-time posts about programming-specific problems, is a valuable external ...
A graph database based crowdsourcing infrastructure for modelling and searching code structure
Software reuse offers a solution to eliminate repeated work and improve efficiency and quality in the software development. In order to reuse existing software resources, software developers usually need to understand code structure of them. However, ...
User preference based autonomic generation of self-adaptive rules
The internetware system is a complex and distributed self-adaptive system, which challenges the method for making adaptation plans. Rule based approaches are very efficient to make plans in adaptive systems. To enable effective rule-based adaptation, ...
EasyCache: a transparent in-memory data caching approach for internetware
Developers usually use in-memory data caching system like Hazelcast with the application server to offload the backend database for scaling Internetware. Unfortunately, such caches do not integrate well with the database or the application. Developers ...
What makes a good app description?
In the Google Play store, an introduction page is associated with every mobile application (app) for users to acquire its details, including screenshots, description, reviews, etc. However, it remains a challenge to identify what items influence users ...
FuAET: a tool for developing fuzzy self-adaptive software systems
Handling uncertainty in software self-adaptation has become an important and challenging issue. In our previous work, we proposed a fuzzy control based approach named Software Fuzzy Self-Adaptation (SFSA) to address fuzziness, a kind of uncertainty in ...
A smart mobile contact recommender based on smart phone data
This paper presents SMoCoR, a smart mobile contact recommender based on smart phone data. It recommends the most appropriate way to contact friends according to friends’ current condition. In no emergency condition, SMoCoR achieves two goals. First, ...
Characterizing cache usage for mobile web applications
Web application is a key app on mobile devices. However, the performance of mobile Web applications is known to be poor. Resource loading is a key factor influencing Web applications performance. Cache is an effective mechanism to accelerate resource ...
SmartRelationship: a VM relationship detection framework for cloud management
With the rapid development of Cloud computing technologies, a large number of Cloud management systems have emerged in recent years, such as Amazon EC2, Eucalyptus, CloudStack and OpenStack. To the best of our knowledge, all of these systems treat ...
Measuring the quality of issue tracking data
Source code and its development history can represent the output and process of developing software. [1] But little attention has been devoted to the data quality. To help researchers and practioners preliminary evaluate the software development data ...
AspectBreeze: integrating trustworthiness aspects into graph grammar supported architecture description language
Aspect-oriented software development (AOSD) has been developed for supporting a long-standing idea of Separation of Concerns (SoC) and enhancing software non-functional attributes including modularity, reusability, and maintainability. Many ...
Using entropy weight-based TOPSIS to implement failure mode and effects analysis
Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is a widely used technique for designing, identifying and eliminating known and/or potential failures from system, design and process. In the traditional FMEA, for each failure mode, risk factors of Occurrence, ...
Towards realisation of evolvable runtime variability in internet-based service systems via dynamical software update
Today’s Internet-based service systems tend to run in open environments and try to satisfy varying requirements. In the context, the changes of requirements and environments can emerge at any point of their life cycle, and their runtime variability is ...
Guarantee high reliability and effectiveness for softwares in internetware
Internetware challenges distributed systems in aspects from operating platforms, programming models, to engineering approaches, etc. Cloud computing based on virtualization is now a popular paradigm which can meet the dynamic resource allocation ...
Model defined fault tolerance in cloud
Fault tolerance (FT) is one of the most important ways to achieve high availability (HA). However, as for cloud, with diverse user requirements, heterogeneous cloud providers, complex FT implementation as well as error-prone configuration, it is a real ...
Service retrieval based on hybrid SLVM of WSDL
Two practicable approaches were proposed for Web service retrieval, bipartite-graph matching and KbSM. But their models and similarity metrics of WSDL analysis may ignore some term or semantic feature, and involve formal method problem of ...
Extending execution plan with execution path set partitions
Due to the increase in web services, non-functional or QoS parameters have been widely addressed. QoS-aware service selection is commonly formulated as an optimization problem aimed at achieving the execution plan that optimize the overall QoS ...
Automated recommendation of dynamic software update points: an exploratory study
Due to the demand for bugs fixing and feature enhancements, developers inevitably need to update in-use software systems. Instead of shutting down a running system before updating, it is often desirable and sometimes mandatory to patch the running ...
Inferring loop invariants of programs with polynomial post-conditions
Based on the term dropping heuristics and dynamic approach, this paper presents a practical approach to infer loop invariants of programs with polynomial post-conditions, the inferred invariants include both the polynomial equality loop invariants and ...
Report on the fourth Asia-Pacific symposium on internetware (Internetware 2012)
The Internet provides an open infrastructure for exchanging and sharing information resources among people all over the world. The rapid development and wide application of the Internet makes it a new mainstream platform for using, developing, deploying ...
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
Internetware '19 | 35 | 20 | 57% |
Internetware '18 | 26 | 20 | 77% |
Internetware '13 | 50 | 15 | 30% |
Overall | 111 | 55 | 50% |