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10.1145/2683405.2683454acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesivcnzConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Compensated Rotational-Invariant Fast Motion Tracking with Collateral Trajectory Guess

Published: 19 November 2014 Publication History


In this paper we introduce a method to track the motion of a fast moving objects, in a video with blurred background images being captured by a rotating camera. When tracking motion of a fast-moving object like a car, we need to find solutions basically for two issues. Firstly, to eliminate the rotational effect of the camera we need to find a method of matching two given consecutive frames in the sequence. Because of the fast rotation of the camera that follows the moving vehicles, the use of feature points (i.e. detection and matching) is of little value as we get blurred background (and possibly blurred foreground objects as well). Secondly, it is necessary to identify a fast-processing method either to develop a reference background for an indirect method, or to detect fast-moving objects in direct processing for motion tracking.
Instead of applying blind search for whole image frames, we derive an Progressively Optimized Representative Scanning Window (PORSW) method for the sake of high efficiency. The method limits the region of interest, that is initially determined in a training phase and is progressively updated with our proposed progressive random walk algorithm. The initial window is obtained by applying an adaptive Lucas Kanade method to determine the direction of the movement of the pixels in each scan line, running towards the trailing end from the starting boundary. Unusual pixel behaviour, i.e. when pixels do not comply with expected direction and magnitude of the flow given by background pixels, is categorized as the motion of foreground pixels.
Our evaluation shows that the estimation result is more stable even for significant angular error, as we propose to employ the variation in the flow vector of image data for the control functions at different image sequences.


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Index Terms

  1. Compensated Rotational-Invariant Fast Motion Tracking with Collateral Trajectory Guess



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image ACM Other conferences
      IVCNZ '14: Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
      November 2014
      298 pages
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      • The University of Waikato


      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 19 November 2014


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      1. Fast motion tracking
      2. Image correspondence
      3. Motion detection
      4. Random walk
      5. Rotational invariant motion detection


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