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Top-k and Clustering with Noisy Comparisons

Published: 30 December 2014 Publication History


We study the problems of max/top-k and clustering when the comparison operations may be performed by oracles whose answer may be erroneous. Comparisons may either be of type or of value: given two data elements, the answer to a type comparison is “yes” if the elements have the same type and therefore belong to the same group (cluster); the answer to a value comparison orders the two data elements. We give efficient algorithms that are guaranteed to achieve correct results with high probability, analyze the cost of these algorithms in terms of the total number of comparisons (i.e., using a fixed-cost model), and show that they are essentially the best possible. We also show that fewer comparisons are needed when values and types are correlated, or when the error model is one in which the error decreases as the distance between the two elements in the sorted order increases. Finally, we examine another important class of cost functions, concave functions, which balances the number of rounds of interaction with the oracle with the number of questions asked of the oracle. Results of this article form an important first step in providing a formal basis for max/top-k and clustering queries in crowdsourcing applications, that is, when the oracle is implemented using the crowd. We explain what simplifying assumptions are made in the analysis, what results carry to a generalized crowdsourcing setting, and what extensions are required to support a full-fledged model.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Database Systems
ACM Transactions on Database Systems  Volume 39, Issue 4
Invited Articles Issue, SIGMOD 2013, PODS 2013 and ICDT 2013
December 2014
341 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 30 December 2014
Accepted: 01 October 2014
Revised: 01 June 2014
Received: 01 October 2013
Published in TODS Volume 39, Issue 4


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  1. Top-k
  2. algorithm
  3. approximation
  4. clustering
  5. crowdsourcing


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