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Diameter-Constrained Reliability: Complexity, Factorization and Exact computation in Weak Graphs

Published: 18 September 2014 Publication History


In this paper we address a problem from the field of network reliability, called diameter-constrained reliability. Specifically, we are given a simple graph G = (V, E) with [V] = n nodes and [E] = m links, a subset K ⊆ V of terminals, a vector p = (p1,...,pm) ϵ [0, 1]m and a positive integer d, called diameter. We assume nodes are perfect but links fail stochastically and independently, with probabilities qi = 1 --- pi. The diameter-constrained reliability (DCR for short), is the probability that the terminals of the resulting subgraph remain connected by paths composed by d links, or less. This number is denoted by RdK,G(p).
The general DCR computation is inside the class of NP-Hard problems, since is subsumes the complexity that a random graph is connected. In this paper the computational complexity of DCR-subproblems is discussed in terms of the number of terminal nodes k = [K] and diameter d. A factorization formula for exact DCR computation is provided, that runs in exponential time in the worst case. Finally, a revision of graph-classes that accept DCR computation in polynomial time is then included. In this class we have graphs with bounded co-rank, graphs with bounded genus, planar graphs, and, in particular, Monma graphs, which are relevant in robust network design. We extend this class adding arborescence graphs. A discussion of trends for future work is offered in the conclusions.


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LANC '14: Proceedings of the Latin America Networking Conference on LANC 2014
September 2014
91 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 18 September 2014


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  1. Computational Complexity
  2. Diameter-Constrained Reliability
  3. Network Reliability


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LANC '14
LANC '14: Latin America Networking Conference
September 18 - 19, 2014
Montevideo, Uruguay


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  • (2018)Monte Carlo methods in diameter-constrained reliabilityOptical Switching and Networking10.1016/j.osn.2014.06.00314(134-148)Online publication date: 20-Dec-2018
  • (2017)Building uniformly most-reliable networks by iterative augmentation2017 9th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM)10.1109/RNDM.2017.8093016(1-7)Online publication date: Sep-2017
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