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View all- Liu HLi HLuo JXie SSun Y(2019)Construction of All-in-Focus Images Assisted by Depth SensingSensors10.3390/s1906140919:6(1409)Online publication date: 22-Mar-2019
A condition in which the optic nerve inside the eye is swelled due to increased intracranial pressure is known as papilledema. The abnormalities due to papilledema such as opacification of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer (RNFL), dilated optic disc capillaries,...
Recent research suggests that retinal vessel caliber (or cross-sectional width) measured from retinal photographs is an important feature for predicting cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). One of the most utilized measures is to quantify retinal arteriolar ...
Retinal blood vessels are the arteries and veins that supply blood to the human eye. Fundus images obtained through a fundus camera capture retinal information like, the macula, optic disc, cup, fovea, retinal blood vessels, and abnormalities. The ...
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