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Only One Out of Five Archived Web Pages Existed as Presented

Published: 24 August 2015 Publication History


When a user retrieves a page from a web archive, the page is marked with the acquisition datetime of the root resource, which effectively asserts "this is how the page looked at a that datetime." However, embedded resources, such as images, are often archived at different datetimes than the main page. The presentation appears temporally coherent, but is composed from resources acquired over a wide range of datetimes. We examine the completeness and temporal coherence of composite archived resources (composite mementos) under two selection heuristics. The completeness and temporal coherence achieved using a single archive was compared to the results achieved using multiple archives. We found that at most 38.7% of composite mementos are both temporally coherent and that at most only 17.9% (roughly 1 in 5) are temporally coherent and 100% complete. Using multiple archives increases mean completeness by 3.1-4.1% but also reduces temporal coherence.


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HT '15: Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext & Social Media
August 2015
360 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 24 August 2015


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  1. digital preservation
  2. http
  3. memento
  4. resource versioning
  5. rfc 7089
  6. temporal coherence
  7. web architecture
  8. web archiving


  • Research-article


HT '15
HT '15: 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media
September 1 - 4, 2015
Guzelyurt, Northern Cyprus

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