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Towards Efficacy-Centered Game Design Patterns For Brain Injury Rehabilitation: A Data-Driven Approach

Published: 26 October 2015 Publication History


Games are often used in brain injury (BI) therapy sessions to help motivate patients to engage in rehabilitation activities. In this paper, we explore game design patterns as a mechanism to help game designers understand needs in BI therapy. Design patterns, originating from the work of Christopher Alexander, aim to provide a common language to support the creative work of designers by documenting solutions that have successful addressed recurring design problems. Through analyzing data we gathered on the use of commercial games in BI therapy, we generated a list of 14 'efficacy-centered game design patterns' that focused on game design considerations when addressing therapeutic goals in BI rehabilitation. We argue that our patterns can serve as a common language to support the design of BI rehabilitation games; additionally, our data-driven approach sets up a paradigm for generating game design patterns in related areas.


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ASSETS '15: Proceedings of the 17th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers & Accessibility
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 26 October 2015


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  1. brain injury
  2. game design
  3. game design patterns
  4. gaming therapy


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