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ForeSee: A Customizable Head-Mounted Vision Enhancement System for People with Low Vision

Published: 26 October 2015 Publication History


Most low vision people have functional vision and would likely prefer to use their vision to access information. Recently, there have been advances in head-mounted displays, cameras, and image processing technology that create opportunities to improve the visual experience for low vision people. In this paper, we present ForeSee, a head-mounted vision enhancement system with five enhancement methods: Magnification, Contrast Enhancement, Edge Enhancement, Black/White Reversal, and Text Extraction; in two display modes: Full and Window. ForeSee enables users to customize their visual experience by selecting, adjusting, and combining different enhancement methods and display modes in real time. We evaluated ForeSee by conducting a study with 19 low vision participants who performed near- and far-distance viewing tasks. We found that participants had different preferences for enhancement methods and display modes when performing different tasks. The Magnification Enhancement Method and the Window Display Mode were popular choices, but most participants felt that combining several methods produced the best results. The ability to customize the system was key to enabling people with a variety of different vision abilities to improve their visual experience.


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ASSETS '15: Proceedings of the 17th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers & Accessibility
October 2015
466 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 26 October 2015


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  1. accessibility
  2. augmented reality glasses
  3. vision customization
  4. visual impairment


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