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Expanding and Refining Design and Criticality in HCI

Published: 18 April 2015 Publication History


The term 'critical design' is on the upswing in HCI. We analyze how discourses around 'critical design' are diverging in Design and HCI. We argue that this divergence undermines HCI's ability to learn from and appropriate the design approaches signaled by this term. Instead, we articulate two ways to broaden and deepen connections between Design and HCI: (1) develop a broader collective understanding of what these design approaches can be, without forcing them to be about 'criticality' or 'critical design,' narrowly construed; and (2) shape a variation of design criticism to better meet Design practices, terms, and ways of knowing.


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  1. Expanding and Refining Design and Criticality in HCI



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    CHI '15: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
    April 2015
    4290 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 18 April 2015


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    1. critical design
    2. critical theory
    3. design criticism
    4. design thinking
    5. expanded design practice
    6. speculative design


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    • Intel STC for Social Computing
    • NSF #1451465


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    April 18 - 23, 2015
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