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PaperPulse: An Integrated Approach for Embedding Electronics in Paper Designs

Published: 18 April 2015 Publication History


We present PaperPulse, a design and fabrication approach that enables designers without a technical background to produce standalone interactive paper artifacts by augmenting them with electronics. With PaperPulse, designers overlay pre-designed visual elements with widgets available in our design tool. PaperPulse provides designers with three families of widgets designed for smooth integration with paper, for an overall of 20 different interactive components. We also contribute a logic demonstration and recording approach, Pulsation, that allows for specifying functional relationships between widgets. Using the final design and the recorded Pulsation logic, PaperPulse generates layered electronic circuit designs, and code that can be deployed on a microcontroller. By following automatically generated assembly instructions, designers can seamlessly integrate the microcontroller and widgets in the final paper artifact.

Supplementary Material (pn1911-file3.mp4)
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MP4 File (p2457-ramakers.mp4)


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    cover image ACM Conferences
    CHI '15: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
    April 2015
    4290 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 18 April 2015


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    1. design tools
    2. fabrication
    3. paper electronics
    4. paper-crafts
    5. pbd
    6. tangible interfaces


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