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A Dynamic Optimization Technique for Redesigning OO Software for Reusability

Published: 03 April 2015 Publication History


An effective reuse of design in software engineering can enhance the productivity, escalate quality, and ensure reliability. Adoption of design reusability can benefit the Small and Medium Organization by curtailing production cost as well as execution period. However, in the presence of requirement volatility, lower team size and skill tradeoffs, it is challenging to understand the real time constraints of Small and Medium Enterprises. The adoption of design reusability and its relation to optimization in the design process is discussed in this paper. For better formulation of the problem, our study has identified three performance parameters viz. quantity, work schedule, and cost of new development. This paper proposes a formal model known as DyRM that evaluates design reusability using Chidamber and Kemerer metrics. DyRM is an analytical formulation of design reusability mainly targeted to estimate the above three parameters for these enterprises.


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cover image ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes  Volume 40, Issue 2
March 2015
125 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 03 April 2015
Published in SIGSOFT Volume 40, Issue 2

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  1. CK Metrics
  2. Design Reusability
  3. Formal Model
  4. Software Metrics
  5. Software Reuse


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