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Phasor Imaging: A Generalization of Correlation-Based Time-of-Flight Imaging

Published: 03 November 2015 Publication History


In correlation-based time-of-flight (C-ToF) imaging systems, light sources with temporally varying intensities illuminate the scene. Due to global illumination, the temporally varying radiance received at the sensor is a combination of light received along multiple paths. Recovering scene properties (e.g., scene depths) from the received radiance requires separating these contributions, which is challenging due to the complexity of global illumination and the additional temporal dimension of the radiance.
We propose phasor imaging, a framework for performing fast inverse light transport analysis using C-ToF sensors. Phasor imaging is based on the idea that, by representing light transport quantities as phasors and light transport events as phasor transformations, light transport analysis can be simplified in the temporal frequency domain. We study the effect of temporal illumination frequencies on light transport and show that, for a broad range of scenes, global radiance (inter-reflections and volumetric scattering) vanishes for frequencies higher than a scene-dependent threshold. We use this observation for developing two novel scene recovery techniques. First, we present micro-ToF imaging, a ToF-based shape recovery technique that is robust to errors due to inter-reflections (multipath interference) and volumetric scattering. Second, we present a technique for separating the direct and global components of radiance. Both techniques require capturing as few as 3--4 images and minimal computations. We demonstrate the validity of the presented techniques via simulations and experiments performed with our hardware prototype.

Supplementary Material

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Supplemental movie, appendix, image and software files for, Phasor Imaging: A Generalization of Correlation-Based Time-of-Flight Imaging
MP4 File (a156.mp4)


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  1. Phasor Imaging: A Generalization of Correlation-Based Time-of-Flight Imaging



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image ACM Transactions on Graphics
      ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 34, Issue 5
      October 2015
      188 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 03 November 2015
      Accepted: 01 February 2015
      Revised: 01 December 2014
      Received: 01 June 2014
      Published in TOG Volume 34, Issue 5


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      Author Tags

      1. 3D cameras
      2. Computational photography
      3. global illumination inter-reflections
      4. light transport
      5. multipath interference
      6. time-of-flight depth cameras
      7. transient imaging
      8. volumetric scattering


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