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10.1145/2736277.2741084acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesthewebconfConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Early Detection of Spam Mobile Apps

Published: 18 May 2015 Publication History


Increased popularity of smartphones has attracted a large number of developers to various smartphone platforms. As a result, app markets are also populated with spam apps, which reduce the users' quality of experience and increase the workload of app market operators. Apps can be "spammy" in multiple ways including not having a specific functionality, unrelated app description or unrelated keywords and publishing similar apps several times and across diverse categories. Market operators maintain anti-spam policies and apps are removed through continuous human intervention. Through a systematic crawl of a popular app market and by identifying a set of removed apps, we propose a method to detect spam apps solely using app metadata available at the time of publication. We first propose a methodology to manually label a sample of removed apps, according to a set of checkpoint heuristics that reveal the reasons behind removal. This analysis suggests that approximately 35% of the apps being removed are very likely to be spam apps. We then map the identified heuristics to several quantifiable features and show how distinguishing these features are for spam apps. Finally, we build an Adaptive Boost classifier for early identification of spam apps using only the metadata of the apps. Our classifier achieves an accuracy over 95% with precision varying between 85%-95% and recall varying between 38%-98%. By applying the classifier on a set of apps present at the app market during our crawl, we estimate that at least 2.7% of them are spam apps.


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    WWW '15: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web
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