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Executing Provenance-Enabled Queries over Web Data

Published: 18 May 2015 Publication History


The proliferation of heterogeneous Linked Data on the Web poses new challenges to database systems. In particular, because of this heterogeneity, the capacity to store, track, and query provenance data is becoming a pivotal feature of modern triple stores. In this paper, we tackle the problem of efficiently executing provenance-enabled queries over RDF data. We propose, implement and empirically evaluate five different query execution strategies for RDF queries that incorporate knowledge of provenance. The evaluation is conducted on Web Data obtained from two different Web crawls (The Billion Triple Challenge, and the Web Data Commons). Our evaluation shows that using an adaptive query materialization execution strategy performs best in our context. Interestingly, we find that because provenance is prevalent within Web Data and is highly selective, it can be used to improve query processing performance. This is a counterintuitive result as provenance is often associated with additional overhead.


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  1. Executing Provenance-Enabled Queries over Web Data



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image ACM Other conferences
      WWW '15: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web
      May 2015
      1460 pages


      • IW3C2: International World Wide Web Conference Committee



      International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee

      Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland

      Publication History

      Published: 18 May 2015


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      Author Tags

      1. RDF
      2. RDF data management
      3. linked data
      4. provenance
      5. provenance queries
      6. web data


      • Research-article

      Funding Sources

      • Dutch national program
      • Swiss National Science Foundation


      WWW '15
      • IW3C2

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      Overall Acceptance Rate 1,899 of 8,196 submissions, 23%


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