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Tongue-n-cheek: non-contact tongue gesture recognition

Published: 13 April 2015 Publication History


Tongue gestures are a key modality for augmentative and alternative communication in patients suffering from speech impairments and full-body paralysis. Systems for recognizing tongue gestures, however, are highly intrusive. They either rely on magnetic sensors built into dentures or artificial teeth deployed inside a patient's mouth or require contact with the skin using electromyography (EMG) sensors. Deploying sensors inside a patient's mouth can be uncomfortable for long-term use and contact-based sensors like EMG electrodes can cause skin abrasion. To address this problem, we present a novel contact-less sensor, called Tongue-n-Cheek, that captures tongue gestures using an array of micro-radars. The array of micro-radars act as proximity sensors and capture muscle movements when the patient performs the tongue gesture. Tongue-n-Cheek converts these movements into gestures using a novel signal processing algorithm. We demonstrate the efficacy of Tongue-n-Cheek and show that our system can reliably infer gestures with 95% accuracy and low latency.


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  1. Tongue-n-cheek: non-contact tongue gesture recognition



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    IPSN '15: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks
    April 2015
    430 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 13 April 2015


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    1. hardware implementation
    2. micro-radars
    3. paralysis patients
    4. sensor design
    5. tongue gestures


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