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Translating Principles of Effective Feedback for Students into the CS1 Context

Published: 28 January 2016 Publication History


Learning the first programming language is challenging for many students. High failure rates and bimodally distributed grades lead to a pedagogical interest in supporting students in first-year programming courses (CS1). In higher education, the important role of feedback for guiding the learning process and improving the learning outcome is widely acknowledged. This article introduces contemporary models of effective feedback practice as found in the higher education literature and offers an interpretation of those in the CS1 context. One particular CS1 course and typical course components are investigated to identify likely loci for feedback interventions and to connect related computer science education literature to these forms of feedback.


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Published: 28 January 2016
Accepted: 01 February 2015
Revised: 01 February 2015
Received: 01 December 2013
Published in TOCE Volume 16, Issue 1


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