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A Dispatching rule based Genetic Algorithm for Order Acceptance and Scheduling

Published: 11 July 2015 Publication History


Order acceptance and scheduling is an interesting and chal- lenging scheduling problem in which two decisions need to be handled simultaneously. While the exact methods are not efficient and sometimes impractical, existing meta-heuristics proposed in the literature still have troubles dealing with large problem instances. In this paper, a dispatching rule based genetic algorithm is proposed to combine the advan- tages of existing dispatching rules/heuristics, genetic algo- rithm and local search. The results indicates that the pro- posed methods are effective and efficient when compared to a number of existing heuristics with a wide range of problem instances.


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GECCO '15: Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
July 2015
1496 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 11 July 2015


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  1. genetic algorithm
  2. local search
  3. scheduling


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