Cited By
View all- Lee YKim SPark SXie XChampin PGandon FMédini LLalmas MIpeirotis P(2018)How to Impute Missing Ratings?Proceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conference10.1145/3178876.3186159(783-792)Online publication date: 10-Apr-2018
Some portal sites have been providing price-comparison services. For the price-comparison services, however, they do not provide personalized recommendations. This paper proposes a strategy of recommendations for the price-comparison services. The ...
The last decade met a remarkable proliferation of P2P networks, PDMS, semantic web, communitarian websites, electronic stores, etc. resulting in an overload of available information. One of the solutions to this information overload problem is using ...
In recommendation system, the ratings represent the users' preference and play an important role in recommending items to users. However, the ratings of items may be influenced by many factors, such as time the latest ratings are more able to reflect ...
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