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Optimizing a Parametric Linear Function over a Non-compact Real Algebraic Variety

Published: 24 June 2015 Publication History


We consider the problem of optimizing a parametric linear function over a non-compact real trace of an algebraic set. Our goal is to compute a representing polynomial which defines a hypersurface containing the graph of the optimal value function. Rostalski and Sturmfels showed that when the algebraic set is irreducible and smooth with a compact real trace, then the least degree representing polynomial is given by the defining polynomial of the irreducible hypersurface dual to the projective closure of the algebraic set.
First, we generalize this approach to non-compact situations. We prove that the graph of the opposite of the optimal value function is still contained in the affine cone over a dual variety similar to the one considered in compact case. In consequence, we present an algorithm for solving the considered parametric optimization problem for generic parameters' values. For some special parameters' values, the representing polynomials of the dual variety can be identically zero, which give no information on the optimal value. We design a dedicated algorithm that identifies those regions of the parameters' space and computes for each of these regions a new polynomial defining the optimal value over the considered region.


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cover image ACM Conferences
ISSAC '15: Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
June 2015
374 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 24 June 2015


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Author Tags

  1. dual variety
  2. polynomial optimization
  3. recession pointed cone


  • Research-article

Funding Sources

  • Chinese Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
  • Chinese National Natural Science Foundation
  • National Key Basic Research Project
  • CNRS and INRIA
  • French National Research Agency



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  • (2024)Whitney Stratification of Algebraic Boundaries of Convex Semi-algebraic SetsProceedings of the 2024 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation10.1145/3666000.3669702(299-306)Online publication date: 16-Jul-2024
  • (2015)Optimization Problems over Noncompact Semialgebraic SetsProceedings of the 2015 ACM International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation10.1145/2755996.2756638(13-14)Online publication date: 24-Jun-2015

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