Cited By
View all- Sun CJi YKolfal BPatterson R(2017)Business-to-Consumer Platform StrategyACM Transactions on Management Information Systems10.1145/30572738:2-3(1-42)Online publication date: 10-Jul-2017
We consider a polling system of N queues Q"1,...,Q"N, cyclically visited by a single server. Customers arrive at these queues according to independent Poisson processes, requiring generally distributed service times. When the server visits Q"i, i=1,...,...
This paper studies a pricing problem for a single-server queue where customers arrive according to a Poisson process. For each arriving customer, the service provider announces a price rate and system wait time. In response, the customer decides whether ...
Queueing models with batch service have been studied frequently, for instance in the domain of telecommunications or manufacturing. Although the batch server’s capacity may be variable in practice, only a few authors have included ...
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