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10.1145/2766462.2767737acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesirConference Proceedingsconference-collections

A Random Walk Model for Optimization of Search Impact in Web Frontier Ranking

Published: 09 August 2015 Publication History


Large-scale web search engines need to crawl the Web continuously to discover and download newly created web content. The speed at which the new content is discovered and the quality of the discovered content can have a big impact on the coverage and quality of the results provided by the search engine. In this paper, we propose a search-centric solution to the problem of prioritizing the pages in the frontier of a crawler for download. Our approach essentially orders the web pages in the frontier through a random walk model that takes into account the pages' potential impact on user-perceived search quality. In addition, we propose a link graph enrichment technique that extends this solution. Finally, we explore a machine learning approach that combines different frontier prioritization approaches. We conduct experiments using two very large, real-life web datasets to observe various search quality metrics. Comparisons with several baseline techniques indicate that the proposed approaches have the potential to improve the user-perceived quality of web search results considerably.


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Index Terms

  1. A Random Walk Model for Optimization of Search Impact in Web Frontier Ranking



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    SIGIR '15: Proceedings of the 38th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
    August 2015
    1198 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 09 August 2015


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    Author Tags

    1. discovery
    2. frontier ranking
    3. random walks
    4. result relevance
    5. url prioritization
    6. web crawling
    7. web frontier
    8. web search engine


    • Research-article

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    • LEADS project funded by the European Community
    • ERC Advanced Grant ALEXANDRIA


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